Healthy eating and a good knowledge of nutrition are essential if you want to get the most out of your workout.
There’s little point training hard if you aren’t giving your body the sufficient fuel and nutrients it needs. No amount of training will give you the desired outcome, unless you combine it with the right sort of eating programme.
With the help of GMG Personal Training you will learn the fundamentals of a healthy diet which you can use to maintain a healthy body weight long term. Want to lose weight to achieve a slimmer, toned shape? No problem, GMG will help you decide on your body-fat goal and make you a plan of action to achieve it. You will be given a clear fat-burning strategy to shredding body fat; meal plans which will take into account your likes and dislikes.
The information and advice you will receive is designed to be practical more than theoretical.
Expext a long-term healthy eating plan, not a short term fix. There are many diet fads that you can follow that will promise quick weight loss, but they all involve major dietary changes and can create a range of health problems as a result.
Unless the change in your eating habit is sustainable, you will, at some point, return to your old ways and your original problems of poor health and weight gain will return. So, while you will not be required to radically change what you eat, your aim will be to commit to eating healthy in the long term.
Eating smart: Essentially this is eating around your training to get the best possible results. If you are an active person who exercises rgularly to say fit, then good nutrition is an essential part of getting the most out of any exercise. You can follow the best training programme, but without the right types of food at the right times and in the right quantites for your body, you will not make optimum progress.
The primary philosophy is to follow a diet based around a balanced intake of healthy foods. Together we will look at healthy eating guidelines, and then how these need to be modified for active people.